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Raw Opal

Opals are one of the rarest stones on earth. Known as the “Queen of Gemstones” opals form from silicon dioxide and water. As water runs down through the earth, it picks up silica from sandstone, and carries this silica-rich solution into cracks and voids , caused by natural faults or decomposing fossils. As the water evaporates, it leaves behind a silica deposit in a variety of colors.

Opal Cabochon

History & Lore

In the Middle Ages, opal was considered a stone that could provide great luck because it was believed to possess all the virtues of each gemstone whose color was represented in the color spectrum of the opal t was also said to grant invisibility if wrapped in a fresh bay leaf and held in the hand. As a result, the opal was seen as the patron gemstone for thieves during the medieval period. Following the publication of Sir Walter Scott’s Anne of Geierstein in 1829, opal acquired a less auspicious reputation. In Scott’s novel, the Baroness of Arnheim wears an opal talisman with supernatural powers. When a drop of holy water falls on the talisman, the opal turns into a colorless stone and the Baroness dies soon thereafter. Due to the popularity of Scott’s novel, people began to associate opals with bad luck and death.  Within a year of the publishing of Scott’s novel in April 1829, the sale of opals in Europe dropped by 50%, and remained low for the next 20 years or so.  Even as recently as the beginning of the 20th century, it was believed that when a Russian saw an opal among other goods offered for sale, he or she should not buy anything more, as the opal was believed to embody the evil eye.

Ethiopian Opal

Meaning & Symbolism

The name “opal” comes from the Sanskrit word upala , meaning precious stone. Romans believed Opals were the most precious and powerful gem and a symbol of love, referred to as the Cupid Stone. That has led to some believing it holds the power to promote romance and passion. It has long been a symbol of hope, purity, and truth. 

Origins & Location

The primary sources of opal are Australia and Ethiopia.  Australian opal has been cited as accounting for 95–97% of the world’s supply of precious opal, with the state of South Australia accounting for 80% of the world’s supply.

Questions? Comments? Email me at ravenametalworks@gmail.com and I’ll reply as soon as I can!