Malachite‘s name derives from the Greek name molochites lithos, meaning “mallow-green stone”. The mineral was given this name due to its resemblance to the leaves of the mallow plant. Malachite is recognized for its striking green color ranging from pastel green to bright green and ending at the dark green spectrum. The actual gems are found along the surface of underground caves as a Malachite cluster of stalactites and they are cut from these caves in two pieces or slabs.

History & Lore
Malachite was a prominent stone in ancient times. As a copper ore, Malachite was mined to create copper plates and devices. Egyptian Pharaohs lined their headdresses with the green stone. Ancient Egyptians also ground the stone into a fine powder to create a green pigment. This green pigment was used to create eyeshadow, as well as paint for murals. In ancient Greece, it was believed that the Malachite meaning was connected to Venus, the goddess of love. Ancient Chinese dynasties prized Malachite decorative pieces, and Korean dynasties used Malachite powder as paint. Besides being used for aesthetic purposes, Malachite was used as a healing stone. According to German lore, it was said that wearing Malachite offered protection from danger and could even warn of disasters to come.
Meaning & Symbolism
Malachite’s meaning echoes its deep connection to nature because of its lush and verdant green that evokes the feeling of spring bursting with new life. When you channel the powerful vibrations of this stone, it’s a direct link to photosynthesis and the miracle of light transforming into energy, which sustains life. Like a forest of green, the spirit of Malachite is all about growth and progress as it helps you prune away old belief systems and thought patterns no longer serving you. Working with the Malachite stone meaning also helps you open the doors to the universe and all its beauty and wonder. The Malachite properties also stem from this stone’s connection to the heart chakra. Because green is linked to this energy center, the Malachite energy is perfectly suited to intentions related to love and other matters of the heart. Not just for love, Malachite’s ability to connect with your heart can also support growth and transformation in other aspects of your life.
Origin & Location
Malachite is found in Australia, the Democratic Republic of Congo, France, Morocco, Russia, and the United States.
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